Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Oil Spill In The Gulf of Mexico

     Well I'm a dolphin living in the ocean, of course and this oil spill is really driving us crazy. Every animal in this ocean are loosing food and could possibly be dying. Who knows I could be next if these freaken humans don't clean it up. Gosh I don't know why it's taking them so long to clean it up, don't they know what they are doing to us. This oil spill is just spreading further and further killing more animals along the way. Pretty soon it's going to go to far and the humans won't be able to clean it. They are going to end up killing this whole planet for the stupid things they do in this world. Ugh I already feel like I'm getting sick I need to get away from here. I feel bad for this the fishes and mammals that died already. I wish I could speak in the humans language so I can tell them how we feel, give them humans a piece of my mind. They are disturbing our own little world. Why do those humans do this to us, we don't go up there and mess up their land.... well actually we kind of can't, we can't breath up there. Anyways they need to hurry and clean that oil, well I'll talk to you later I'm going to go somewhere else in this ocean.