Friday, June 4, 2010

Avatar/ blog

   The story I read on was about the offshore oil drilling. I think it related to the movie we watched because the oil is killing our ocean and the animals that live in it. Just like in Avatar the humans try to take over the blue peoples world by tearing down their trees, especially the huge tree that they live in and the they prayed to. They didn't even care what they were doing to their planet and it seems like it's the same here on earth. The oil keeps coming out more and more each day and it doesn't seem like they are really trying to stop it.

     Just like in the movie "the people" are trying to stop the "sky people" from destroying their planet. We need more people like that on earth to come together and stop the oil spill in the ocean. I signed the petition for the story I read for Obama to stop drilling oil into the oceans completely and permanently. Hopefully more people in this world will do the same and stop killing our mother earth. The blue people in Avatar care about their planet and its strange animals, they are so connected to their planet.

     If we were more connected to our mother earth then we probably wouldn't be killing her with all these disasters. All we are doing is killing our planet and ourselves. All the hard work that mother earth did to put all this life and us humans are just destroying it one day at a time. We shouldn't destroy our planet we should be helping it, making it a better place to live for the future generations. If we keep doing everything that were doing now, everything and everyone will be dead on this planet in a few years.

     In Avatar "the people" thank their planet when they take the life of a animal, we don't even do that. We kill so many animals for food and other things like fur everyday. We also kill them by ruining their habitat, we tear down their homes and nobody even cares except a few people on this earth. Maybe if we lived like the blue people we would all be happier and have better lives and we would also be more connected to our beautiful planet. Some people on this earth don't even care about anything but their business and all the money they are making off the earth resources.

     One day all the resources are going to be gone and those certain businesses are going to be bankrupted. They shouldn't even be using the resources anymore. We are advanced enough to power the earth with natural resources like wind, sun and water. Well only if those people stop polluting the water with all the oil. Everybody should be thankful for this planet and be thankful they are living on it, but instead all we are doing is destroying everything. Hopefully in the future the humans will be more careful and take better care of this planet.