Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Alphabet Story

     A long time ago there was this little girl named Angel who loved fairy tales and dreamed one day she would be in one. Because she was an only child she really prayed and hoped her dreams would come true some day in her life. Cindy her mom always encouraged her daughter to keep believing in her dreams and maybe she will live in a fairytale. Days and years went by, Angel got older and she stopped believing in her dreams because they never came true. Eventually Angel started having crushes on guys and would hang out with her friends all the time.

     For once in her life she decided to go for a walk one day to a special place by a beautiful beach. Gazing at the beautiful beach she seen something watching her from the water, she wondered what it could be. Hoping to figure out what it was she yelled out "who are you? Why are you staring at me?". "I can see you" she said and the creature she was seeing was the most beautiful mermaid ever. "Just wanted to know if you want to be a mermaid with me" said the mermaid, Angel was surprised. "Krystal is my name what's yours?" said the mermaid "My name is Angel". "Let me go home and change into my swimsuit"said Angel "there is no need to do that, my magical powers will transform you into a mermaid like me" said Krystal. "Magical powers how did you get powers?" said Angel "from my father, he gives all the mermaids powers".

     "Never in my life have I seen a mermaid, you are so beautiful" said Angel. "Oh well thank you, just come in the water and your transformation will happen" said the mermaid. "Please come with me down to my kingdom and meet everybody, they will be happy to see you" said the mermaid. "Queen Jasmine will want to see you when we get there, she has something to tell you" said the mermaid. "Really wonderful to see you Angel, we have been waiting for you, we want you to live with all of us in this wonderful kingdom" said the queen. "She was very excited that one of her fairytale dreams came true, Angel said of course I'll live with you, but what about my mom and dad? said Angel. "They can also come live with us, I will send my best mermaids to go get them" said the queen.

     "Unbelievable, this is really amazing I can't believe this is really happening to me. This place is so beautiful I can't wait to begin my life here. Thank you so much this is wonderful and incredible!!" said Angel. "Very nice to have you and your parents living with us, we are delighted to have you" said the queen. "When your parents get here I will show you your new home, you will love it" said the queen.  "Xylophones are such amazing instruments, do they always play them down here?" said Angel. "Yes of course they do, it relaxes all of us and the rest of the ocean" said the queen. "Zany people live here, it's pretty awesome. I think I'm going to love it here" said Angel.