Monday, June 7, 2010

My Bucket List

25 things I want to do in my life are:
1. Go to college
2. Travel around the world
3. Swim in the ocean
4. Bungee jump
5. Sky diving
6. Go on the biggest roller coaster in the world
7. Learn different languages
8. Scuba diving
9. Go to space
10. Get married
11. Have kids
12. Go on vacation to a beautiful island
13. Get a tattoo
14. Get into shape
15. Go on a cruise ship
16. Go in a hot air balloon
17. Go rock climbing
18. Swim with a shark
19. Learn to drive
20. Party at a club
21. Become a vet
22. Stay in a haunted house for a night...... not by myself
23. Talk in a British accent
24. Kiss "the one" in pouring rain
25. Meet god

     I chose these things because I like to try crazy things. I like taking risks in life. Some of these things aren't crazy things, but they are just things every girl wants to do in her life or just fun new things to try. I am a person who likes adventure and I want to travel to many places around the world. I'm a very picky eater, but I want to try at least some new foods from around the world.

     These things are important to me because I don't want to spend my whole life doing nothing. I want to live life to the fullest. When I'm way older I don't want to think I should have done that when I had the chance. I want to do things now before I'm very old and can't go out into the world to do these things. There are probably many people in the world that didn't get to do everything that they wanted to do in life. I think they might regret not doing the things they wanted to do when they were younger and I don't want that to happen to me.

     To accomplish them I plan to get a good job and save money so I can do the things I want. I will probably have to travel to do some of these things, which is a good thing because I want to travel anyway. Some of these things will probably be scary, but I'll have to push myself to do them. Maybe I could get a few friends to try these things with me. If not, then I'll just have to go by myself or maybe even meet some new people who enjoy the same interests as me. Either way I really want to try this stuff, it sounds so exciting.

     Well those are all the 25 things I want to do in my life. I really hope I could accomplish every single one of them. Maybe as I get older I will think of more fun, exciting things to add to my bucket list. The things on this list I want to accomplish the most are getting married to the person I want to be with forever and have kids, the other to things I want to accomplish are go to college and finish it so I can become a vet.