Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Persuasive Essay: School Uniforms

     In my opinion I don't think we should have school uniforms. I don't like wearing uniforms to school and a lot of other people don't like them either. I had to wear school uniforms in elementary and middle school. It wasn't really fun, nobody could dress in their own clothes and look the way they wanted. Everybody looked the same and families had to go out and pay more money just to buy uniforms for their kids. Why should we have to wear uniforms, schools should let you wear what you want as long as it's appropriate and doesn't relate to gangs or anything bad.

     I also think we shouldn't have school uniforms because everybody has a different personality and they like to express that by the clothes they wear. You can't exactly do that when everybody wears the same colors and looks the same. When a school has uniforms, they only have a few colors you can wear. If you don't follow the dress code you end up getting into trouble. I think that's something you shouldn't get into trouble for, they are just clothes. It's not like you have drugs or a weapon on you. I also think that when you wear your normal clothes the administration sometimes assumes you're a bad kid or you have something that you shouldn't have. Sometimes they are right, but sometimes they are wrong. I also think that school uniforms are boring since they are like solid colors. They are never bright or have cool designs on them, they are so plain.

     Some families don't have enough money to be buying their children new clothes just for school. They probably have to buy new uniforms every year because their kids grow out of the clothes from the year before. After school is over the family has no use for the uniforms so they probably get thrown away. All schools are doing is making families waste money on new clothes that they will use for a few years. The children already have clothes and I don't see why schools want them to wear a uniform. 

     I know the administration has to wear uniforms, but it's part of their job. As students school is not really a job, we are coming here to learn not to be told what to wear everyday. Others may think differently, but that's just my opinion. I think the only people that should tell us what to wear is our parents. They are the ones that are the boss of us. The school shouldn't try to be our parents and tell us how to dress everyday for school.

     Nobody likes to wear uniforms and I bet if you ask every school that has uniforms, mostly everybody would want to wear what they want. There may be some people that like wearing uniforms and that's okay because that is their opinion on this. Everybody has their own opinion on everything and they view it differently. If teachers had a choice, they would probably wear jeans and a T-shirt everyday. The principal would most likely do the same thing. I think schools should give students a choice. If they want to wear uniforms they can, but if they don't they should be able to wear whatever they want. I think there should be some rules though, nothing gang related or bad and you shouldn't show too much skin.

     Some rules shouldn't be there because they aren't bad things, for example wearing flip flops. They are just shoes, they're not going to hurt anybody. Besides even if that rule is there most people don't pay attention to it they just do what they want. That's not good, but it's true and that's why the students get into trouble. So I think they should let the students wear whatever because they will do it anyways and they don't really care if they get in trouble. Even if they get in trouble for what they wear, they will most likely do it again and again.

      That's all my reasons why we shouldn't have uniforms at our school. We all have our personality and we want to express it and be unique. We want to be our own person and not be the same as everybody else. If you let us wear our normal clothes I think everybody will follow the rules because they don't want to end up wearing ugly, boring uniforms.