Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Scary Story

     Well when I was a little girl I used to have this friend named Emily, she was like my best friend. We did everything together. She was with me all the time and she even lived with me sometimes. Everybody always thought she was my imaginary friend because they could never see her. I could see her perfectly, she was real I knew she was a real person. Anyways I didn't care because Emily was always there for me when everybody else wasn't. When I started getting older I didn't really want to play with her anymore and she started getting mad at me. She went away for awhile but when she came back she was really evil, well not to me but to everybody else.

     Whenever she was with me I always got into trouble. Nobody ever believed me it was her, they would tell me stop making up stories Emily is not real she was just your imaginary friend. So I would get mad at Emily for that, but she never cared. As I got older I always wondered why I could still see her but nobody else could. I went to the library and looked up people that were already dead, I typed her name in and to my surprise there was her picture. I started reading about her life, she was born in 1925 and she died at the house I live in now. There was a fire and Emily couldn't get out so she burned alive. All of this information was freaking me out I didn't know what to do.

     When I was walking home from the library Emily showed up walking next to me. I didn't know where she came from but I was so scared. Emily said "I know what you did" and I said "about what??", she said "you read about my life and you NEVER should of did that". I didn't know what to say so I just stayed quiet, Emily yelled "why did you do that?", I said "I-I-I don't know". I was crying hysterically and the last thing she told me was "if you ever say or show anybody anything I will come back and kill you". I was terrified so I ran home and as soon as I walked in my mom was there asking "whats wrong" but I just shook my head and said "nothing I just tripped on a rock and fell but don't worry mom I'm alright".

     Later that night I was just laying on my bed thinking about what happened earlier that day. When I looked up I saw Emily standing at the end of my bed just staring at me with this evil looking face that just terrified me. I told her "stop looking at me like that your creeping me out. Why are you here anyways?" she said "don't worry about it okay.....did you tell anybody?", I said "no okay I'm not going to tell anybody just leave me alone". She finally left and I never saw Emily again.