Friday, June 11, 2010

My New Identity

     Hello my name is Brittany Lopez. I live in Miami, Florida in a beautiful house by the beach. I was born on July 12th,1990 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. My Family moved to Florida when I was 17 years old. I have brownish hair, green eyes, my skin is a nice tan color and I'm five feet two inches tall. I am Hispanic and I'm a very outgoing person, I like making new friends and I love to party with my friends. I don't have a boyfriend, I'm single and loving it. I work as a lifeguard on the beach, it's a very exciting job. I love my life, it's really great. My parents also live in Miami so they are not far away from me.

     I went to La Salle high school, I didn't have the best grades, but they were still pretty good. I also wasn't the best child either I always gave my parents' problems, but now that I'm older I respect them a lot more than I did before. Right now I'm in college, I want to be a lawyer, which is going to be a long time before I graduate from college. For now being a life guard is pretty great. I love being out there on the beach and it makes me happy when I save somebody's life.

     I'm a very talkative person, I can start a conversation with pretty much anybody I meet. I'm also loud, I have a big mouth and I speak my mind. I have an attitude and I know how to use it, but I'm also a nice, caring person. If you don't like the way I act or you just don't like me that's your problem, I don't care if you hate me. I'm not going to try to change everybody else so don't try to change the way I am because it's not going to work. I don't change my life or the way I am for anybody.

     I believe in God, I am catholic. My hobbies are I like to dance, I was on the dance team in elementary school, I like to play sports. My favorite sport to play is basketball, I also like to ride dirt bikes, paint and do magic tricks. My favorite hobby would have to be dirt biking, it's so exciting and I ride my bike with my friends every chance I get. As you can probably tell I'm very active and athletic. I like to keep myself in shape. You might think that I'm a tomboy, but I'm actually very girlie. I love to wear make up, do my hair, my nails and I love to go shopping to buy shoes. That's my favorite thing to buy when I go to the mall, I have so many pairs of shoes in many different colors. My favorite color is pink and purple, I love to stand out from everybody else and wear crazy things. People look at me weird, but it's okay because I don't care what other people think I like the way I am. 

     I live by myself, my house is kinda big and I have a swimming pool in the backyard. Inside my house I have three bedrooms in-case my family comes over. My room is the biggest room, it's really colorful and I have a lot of things all around my room. My favorite part about my room is the closet. It's really big and it's my favorite because all my clothes and shoes are in there. I love to listen to music so when I'm home I always have the radio on. If I'm not home I take my Ipod with me everywhere except when I work.

     Well that's my life. I love it and I can't wait to live the rest of it, I'm going to live my life to the fullest. I'm not wasting my life on anything. When I get the chance to do something I'm going to do it and I'm not going to give up on anything. It's great living in Florida, but maybe sometime I'll go back to where I was born. I love my life and everybody that's in it, life is great.