Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Final Essay

     I think I learned a few different things this summer. I learned what some words mean and I learned how to be a better writer. I also learned that I have a voice in this world and if I use it I can help change the world. Which I did use my voice, I signed some petitions. Thanks to Mr. Leh I learned things this summer and he also showed me the website This has been a good summer with my friends and having Mr. Leh as our teacher.

     I never thought I would ever write this much in such a short time, but I guess I was wrong. I learned that if I'm focused I could write a long story in under an hour. All I have to do is use my imagination and dig deep inside myself. I made myself a better writer this year thanks to Mr. Leh. My favorite blog this summer was the alphabet story. It was kind of challenging on some letters, but I thought it was fun to write. I never tried writing stories in that format and I liked it. I also thought some blogs were hard and I thought I wouldn't finish them, but I made myself think and I finished them.

     I also learned that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Anybody could write a good story if they just put their mind to it. They can do anything if they just try. I learned a lot of root words this year and this summer. I might not remember every single word, but I still have the paper and I think it will help me a lot in the future when I can't figure out a word.

     This summer I learned more about what's happening in the world. Mr. Leh is all about nature and the world. If he wasn't my teacher I probably wouldn't have really cared what's happening in the world, but when Mr. Leh showed us all the videos about the oil spill it really got to me. He made me change about how I think of the earth. Earth is a beautiful place that we got to be a part of and I learned that we are just destroying it. I thought this planet would last longer, but I might be wrong because that oil is killing all the life in the ocean and pretty soon it might get to us here in New Mexico. I learned to respect our earth and I want to help change things and make it better.

     Hopefully I have Mr. Leh as my teacher next year. He taught me a lot of things I never knew about. With the teacher I had before him, I didn't learn anything that whole semester. I'm going to use my voice a lot more and help the world. Summer school was kind of cool, but if I did  better the first semester I wouldn't be here. I think summer school was a good experience, I learned to be a better writer, then I was.