Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Murder Mystery

     One afternoon this girl named Tiffany was going to have a huge party that night. All of her friends were invited. Her brother Jake was there also and he invited all of his friends so you know this is going to be a big party. Tiffany and Jake loved to pull pranks on their friends, they were always funny pranks. Tonight they had something planned for a girl named Bianca. Tiffany didn't really like Bianca so they planned to put drugs in her drink and when she was really messed up they were going to shave her head. All they wanted to do was a harmless prank, but it turned out bad. When Bianca went up stairs she got really dizzy and fell off the balcony. Everybody screamed and when Tiffany came into the room she started crying because Bianca was dead. "It wasn't supposed to happen like this nobody was supposed to get hurt" said Tiffany.

     About two years later Tiffany meet up with her brother Jake and their four closest friends Adriana, Selena, Jacob and Steve. They were all there the night of the party and they all got a letter saying to meet at a restaurant. Nobody knew why they got the letter, but they were really freaked out because it was from Bianca. When they all met up with each other somebody delivered a package to them. Nobody wanted to open it so Jake decided to do it and he found a little DVD player and a note. He read the note out loud and it said "Hi everybody I'm glad you all could make it. I know what you were trying to do to me that night of the party and I'm very disappointed in all of you. It's pay back now I know who did this, but if you don't tell the truth about who did this to me you will all die one by one. If you go to the cops you will die right away. Sincerely, Bianca. After they read the note, they watched the video on the DVD player and it was a video of the night Bianca died.

     "What the hell is this some kind of joke?" said Tiffany. "Everybody calm down this can't be real okay Bianca is dead." said Jake. Even though everybody was freaked out they all went on with their lives like if none of this ever happened. Later that day Selena died in a car accident, when Tiffany got the call she didn't know what to do. She thought this isn't related to Bianca's death. Tiffany called everybody else and they were starting to get scared, but not scared enough to tell the truth. About three days later Jacob drowned in his swimming pool. Nobody believed that happened, but when they went to his house they found his dead body floating in the pool. Ariana yelled at Tiffany saying "now do you think this is a joke". Tiffany stayed quiet and they all left.

     In the car Jake told Tiffany "why don't you just tell the truth already" and she said: "because this isn't real it's all a coincident". Another week went by and nothing happened so Tiffany thought it was all over, but the next day she went over to Adriana's house. Adriana was getting ready and she was curling her hair. She asked Tiffany to get some hairspray for her, but when she came back Adriana was on the floor dead. Tiffany noticed there was water on the floor all over the plug so she guessed that Adriana got electrocuted. Tiffany called her brother, but nobody answered. She decided to go to Steve and tell him what happened. Right when she walked into his house  he said: "I can't live with this anymore" and he cuts his throat.

     Later that night she got a text message saying "all you had to do was tell the truth and none of this would have happened love Bianca". Tiffany finally got a hold of Jake and told him everything, he came over to her house that night. Before he got there, Tiffany thought she saw somebody and it looked like Bianca. She was terrified so she went to the kitchen and got a big knife. She heard a voice saying "Tiffany where are you, come out it's your turn to die" Tiffany started running, but she ended running into the person who was looking for her. Tiffany started crying hysterically and said: "I'm sorry it was all my fault that night, but I didn't mean to hurt anybody I'm sorry". Right after she said that Jake came out holding a video camera, turns out he recorded everything she said. A few minutes later Adriana took off the wig and Selena, Jacob and Steve came out saying "how do you like being pranked for once". Tiffany was shocked, "I thought you all were dead". Jake said: "that was all part of the plan. We just wanted to show you how it felt to be pranked". Tiffany said: "okay I'll never do a prank ever again you really had me scared". After that all happened, Tiffany stayed true to her word and never pranked people again.